40 MHz sampling rate. / 12 MHz analogue bandwidth / 0.1 mV sensitivity / 5mV to 20V/div in 12 steps / 50ns to 1 hour/div time base in 34 steps / Ultra fast full auto set up options. / Adjustable trigger level. / X and Y position signal shift.
DVM readout. / Audio, power calculation (RMS and peak). / dBm, dBV, DC, RMS Measurements / Signal markers for voltage and time.
Frequency readout (through markers). / Recorder function (roll mode). / Signal storage (2 memories) / High-resolution LCD 192x112 pixels.
LCD backlight / Galvanically separated USB output for PC. / Data or bitmap download to PC. / Different screen modes: normal screen view, wide screen with DVM, normal screen with large DVM, & widescreen with large DVM.
USB PC Connection real-time and screen capture.